Garfield County Assessors inspect taxable properties in order to determine their value and collect property taxes in Garfield County, Colorado. They use several methods to assess a property's value, including on-site inspections and comparable property reports. These property assessment records are available through the Assessor Office, which is responsible for appraisals in Garfield County, Colorado. Appraisal districts may be determined by city, Garfield County, or other local boundaries, and property owners can look up their appraisal district through Garfield County Assessor Offices.
Garfield County Assessor's Office Glenwood Springs CO 109 8th Street 81601 970-945-9134 Suggest Edit
Garfield County Town and City Halls provide municipal services for their jurisdiction, including maintaining tax appraisal records and providing appraisal services in Garfield County, Colorado. In some communities, the Town or City Hall manages the property appraisal process, including issuing parcel numbers, inspecting properties, and levying Garfield County property taxes. They may provide information on appealing a Garfield County property tax appraisal, reporting violations in the appraisal process, and determining the appropriate appraisal district. This appraisal district information can be valuable for Garfield County property owners and prospective buyers, and it may be available on the Town or City Hall website.
Carbondale Town Hall Carbondale CO 511 Colorado Avenue, Ste 1 81623 970-963-2733 Suggest Edit
Glenwood Springs City Hall Glenwood Springs CO 101 8th Street 81601 970-384-6400 Suggest Edit
New Castle Town Hall New Castle CO 450 W Main St 81647 970-984-2311 Suggest Edit
Rifle City Hall Rifle CO 1718 Railroad Avenue 81650 970-665-6571 Suggest Edit
Silt Town Hall Silt CO 231 North 7th Street 81652 970-876-2353 Suggest Edit
Garfield County Recorders of Deeds maintain property and real estate records in order to ensure the accuracy of property tax records in Garfield County, Colorado. These documents include property appraisal records, such as inspection reports and appraisal reports, and the Recorder of Deeds may also provide information on Garfield County property sales and transfers, property tax assessments over time, and a property's appraisal district. The Recorder of Deeds may provide online access to their appraisal records and other services on their website.
Garfield County Recorder of Deeds Glenwood Springs CO 109 8th Street 81601 970-945-2377 Suggest Edit